Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Diet

I have lost 20 pounds, and I have never felt more healthy in my life.

My diet: Go to the Dojo 4 days a week-this is key. It was because of BJJ training that I shed all the weight even while eating like crap. It was the below food diet that helped me cut my weight an extra five-eight pounds I believe. I know, however, that if I followed my food diet more stringently without cheating, and cut beer completely out of my diet, I could probably lose and extra five-eight pounds allowing me to compete in a lower weight class. My next tournament that will be my goal.

Simple Food Diet:
Cutting out sugar completely from my diet. Watching my Saturated fat intake (fried foods, butter, cheeses etc.) I try to stay away from these foods, but I don't completely. I treat myself at least one time a week...OK sometimes more.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Whoa!!!! Big difference in the photos. That's amazing. Now I just need to find my "passion sport." Cycling perhaps???